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WebZIP will download an entire Web site or section of a site and save all the files in their native HTML format, maintaining the original file names and directory structure to provide an exact mirror of the Web site on your local hard disk.

You can then view this downloaded content offline using your preferred browser, archive it for future reference, or it on the road with you, wherever fast access to Web information is required.

Through the FAR add-in tool for WebZIP, you can Zip up your downloaded sites, or compile them into a single compressed HTML-Help file.

WebZIP lets you control the scheduling of downloads, the types of files to be retrieved, and the depth and scope of retrieval, or you can leave the details up to WebZIP.

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WinMHT lets you save and conveniently organize collections of Web pages onto your local hard disk within MHT files (Web Archives) . It lets you take 'snapshots' of Web pages and store them and all their associated media files into a single, easy to use mht file.

WinMHT is the ideal tool for doing Web research. You can browse the Web and whenever you find an interesting page(s) that you would like to keep for future reference, simply save it to your computer in the topic folder of your choice.

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The FAR add-in tool for WebZIP, lets you convert your downloaded Webs into compiled HTML-Help files.  With just a few simple clicks, you get a compressed HTML-Help file, complete with:
  • Full Text Search
  • Table Of Contents pane for easy navigation
  • Index pane and a favorites pane



HTML-Help files are an ideal way of distributing Web content, since all files are merged into a single, compressed file (.chm) and the standard is well supported in all versions of Windows later than Win 95 OSR2.

FAR also gives you the option of creating compressed Zip files from your downloaded content. In addition, FAR offers a number of other useful features for the Web or Help developer such as multi-file search and replace.

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